The University of Lagos was established in 1962 by an Act of Parliament
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to encourage the advancement of
learning. Located in the urban and commercial city of Lagos, with the
main campus in Akoka, two other campuses are the Yaba campus and the
College of Medicine, University of Lagos (CMUL) Idi-Araba campus. The
University caters for both full time and part time students. The
University has an overall student population of about 50,000 (regular
and part-time at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels). It has a
staff strength of over five thousand.
The prospective appointee must show:
Evidence of the Firm's registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC);
Evidence of the Firm's registration with the Office of the Auditor-General for the Federation;
Firm's profile, including professional qualifications of the key staff,
past experience with respect to similar jobs which have been
successfully handled, etc;
Evidence of financial capability (Bank reference);
Audited accounts of the Firm for the last three years, i.e., 2016, 2015 and 2014;
Evidence of VAT registration and valid tax clearance certificates for the last three years, i.e., 2016, 2015 and 2014;
Evidence of compliance with the provisions of the Pension Reform Act of 2014;and
Evidence of registration with Industrial Trust Fund (ITF).
candidates/firms should send their applications to:
The Registrar,
University of Lagos,
Lagos State.
Note: Envelopes containing the applications must be marked "External Auditor" on the top right hand corner.
DUE DATE: 31 March, 2017
External Auditors at the University of Lagos(UNILAG)
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